More Care Less Crap - 2017


1.00 CPD Hours

$89.00 +GST Retail
$74.00 +GST Learning Partner

Learn Module Detail

By Laurel McLay 

Duration: 59:28

In this final webinar in Laurel's series, we will focus on keeping in touch with your database. Where we often fall down in the sales process is

  1. following up on leads
  2. keeping in touch with prospects who have said ‘not yet’ and
  3. keeping in touch with existing clients.

Developing a nurture strategy is something most people don’t think to do, or know how to do. The frustration about this is that not only has most of the ‘hard work’ been done (ie you have the lead, prospect or client)  but that these three lists are a valuable referral resource for you, if you take the time to nurture them!

This webinar will cover

  • how to create a nurture strategy which ensures no-one is ‘slipping through the net’ and that you are front of mind.
  • how a simple system, even an ‘off line’ one can drive and streamline a powerful nurture strategy


PDP Topics this Event Relates To:


Sales & Marketing


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