IBANZ offers a range of CPD from quality presenters who specialise in providing a variety of fire and general presentations as well as a selection on soft skills ranging from time management to client care.

Upcoming webinars lists future topics and dates arranged by IBANZ which you are able to book

Upcoming events lists any future events such as ICNZ/IBANZ workshops

Recorded webinars and events lists all previously recorded webinars and events that are available for you to book

As an individual IBANZ Member, IBANZ CPD you book via our website is automatically uploaded for free to the CPD record we maintain on your behalf.   This is a Member benefit which helps you keep track of learning you have completed.

Provided you continue to be an IBANZ individual Member we will maintain your CPD record for you, even if you change employers.

You aren't limited to the current year but can choose the period you wish to view your CPD for.  To do so, please log into the IBANZ website and look under My IBANZ/My CPD History for your personal record.



IBANZ can provide a CPD rating for your event.

Conferences, seminars, workshops and activities that meet the IBANZ CPD definition will be eligible for CPD hours provided your application has been made and approval given for an IBANZ CPD rating before the CPD is awarded. You can apply for your event to be CPD rated by completing and submitting the CPD Rating Request Form and supporting information to IBANZ.

CPD must meet certain standards and good practice principles to ensure it achieves an appropriate level of learning. The IBANZ Guidelines for Continuing Professional Development provides information about the type of event that will qualify for a CPD rating. The guidelines include examples of qualifying events and a helpful FAQ section.

To apply for an IBANZ CPD rating of your event please read the guidelines and follow the instructions shown on the CPD Rating Request Form.



It is considered, across all professions and industries, that CPD points, units and credits all relate to the same thing, CPD Hours.

The definition of CPD Hours is the time you spend in a 'active learning'. Active learning is the actual time spent learning something relevant for your CPD objectives. An example of this is a one-day accredited CPD training course - if the training starts at 9am and ends at 5pm, with a one hour lunch break, the CPD Hours will be 7 CPD Hours.

Approximately 95% of all professional bodies use CPD Hours as their CPD measure and where the terms CPD points, units or credits are used, these are typically in a 1:1 ratio with CPD Hours. For this reason IBANZ assesses and records learning activities as CPD Hours.





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