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Affiliate Categories

Affiliate companies and individuals are entitled to many of the privileges of membership except they cannot take part in the management of IBANZ or hold any office within IBANZ unless the Board, in its absolute discretion, determines otherwise. Affiliates are not entitled to vote and cannot hold a proxy.

An Affiliate must be one of the following:

  • Cluster Group - a Body Corporate or other entity with a formal agreement in common with two or more of IBANZ Corporate Members for the purpose of Insurance Broking and/or Risk Management Business activities. 

Application form

  • Other Individuals - a person who is recognised by the Board from time to time as being committed to similar objectives as IBANZ. For example, this could be an individual that does not hold agencies with the required number of insurance underwriters. 

Application form

  • Other Organisations - an entity who is recognised by the Board from time to time as being committed to similar objectives as IBANZ.  For example, this could be a company that does not hold agencies with the required number of insurance underwriters. 

Application form

For Members of PSC Connect, Insurance Advisernet or Folio please contact [email protected]

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