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CQIB Status

Chartered Qualified Insurance Broker (CQIB) is the pinnacle recognition of individual achievement for a broker who is a registered Financial Adviser.

The challenges insurance brokers face in our profession requires the continual raising of standards relating to competency, knowledge, capability and ethical practice. CQIB status distinguishes you from others in a competitive environment. It demonstrates and reinforces your professionalism to clients, colleagues and competitors, as well as the public generally.

CQIB Professional Status is well established as a symbol of trust, professionalism, knowledge and leadership. See below for the criteria to become a Chartered Qualified Insurance Broker:

Criteria for CQIB Status

1. Membership 

  •  must be an Individual Member of IBANZ Inc for at least two years immediately prior to application; and
  • retained PQIB status (or QIB as it was previously known) for this period; and

2. Experience 

  •  10 years of continuous broking experience; and

3. Qualification 

  •  NZ Certificate in Financial Services (Level 5) or equivalent; and

4. Evidence of Continuing Professional Development 

  •  plan and complete a minimum of 15 IBANZ rated CPD hours annually, of which 1 CPD hour must be from the available IBANZ Conduct & Ethics CPD topics on our website; and

5. Leadership activities 

  •  contribution through insurance related education, mentoring, publications, presentations, technical work or research and similar activities.

For further details about the criteria or for an application form contact us or email IBANZ and we will assist you.

Retention of CQIB Status

To retain CQIB Professional Status Members must be able to evidence they have met the CPD requirement each calendar year (1st January to 31st December).

If a Member does not achieve the CPD required in a year their status lapses and they must cease using the CQIB post-nominal.

Current Members with CQIB Professional Status are shown below:

Trevor Beard Adam Croft Brian Reedy
Rick Behague Bernie Kane  Ben Nicoll
Denise Bourdot Julie Corbett Chris Rolfe
Ron Bridges Martin Lines Eugene Sabitov
Carol Brown  Ashleigh Mills Andrew Willock
Sara Carter Adrienne Madden James Shearing
Anne Cooper Jenny Martin Peter Stone
David Crick Daniel Mathieson Aleksandra Shmeleva-Gancheva
Gareth Evans Kim Matthews Carolyn Smith
Chris Gear Janice Macgee Geoff Smith
Tania Goss Kevin Wellwood Karla VanDerKlip
 Greg Swaney Lisa McLeod Rene Swindley
Stuart Hamilton Janey Mitchell Keith Thomas
Glen Hannah Colleen Morgan Paul Towes
Stuart Harbottle Peter Muys James Townsend
Krystle Hodges Andrew Newman Nicolas Tyson
Cameron Hollis Timothy Ramsay David Wells
Mark Hurren Faith Owens Steve Wing
Bradley James Michael Paterson Ailsa Potter
Christopher Jecks Jeanette Penberthy Paul Goffin
Andrew Jensen Paul Borgman Dennis Sanders
Sean Lysaght Di Dixon Richard Hinks


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