Presented by: Karen Stevens, Andrew Gunn - IFSO and Mel Gorham - IBANZ
Duration: 48:59
From 15 March 2021, for the first time in New Zealand, insurance brokers in F&G insurance were subject to a regulatory code of professional conduct.
Karen Stevens, Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman and Andrew Gunn, Strategic Partnerships Manager for the IFSO Scheme, discuss the broad themes arising in complaints against advisers over the past six years and the key failure points that lead to client complaints. With Mel Gorham, CEO IBANZ, they discuss the impact the new Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services is having on the F&G insurance advice sector.
Karen Stevens will also discuss the ICNZ Fair Insurance Code, the role of the IFSO Scheme in referring complaint outcomes back to the F&G insurance peak body and what F&G insurance advisers need to know about their product providers’ industry code.
PDP Topics this Event Relates To:
Insurance Overview
Insurance Fundamentals
Insurance Legislation & Codes