What is stat liability and why do I need it

2024-175 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Employers Liability/Statutory Liability

Statutory liability cover is often a second thought if it is even considered at all. However, with the increasing powers, penalties and uncompromising attitudes of regulators statutory liability cover should be considered a must for all insureds operating in the corporate sphere.

Home Contents Main Exclusions/Cover Pitfalls

2024-009 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Contents

Aimed at beginners, this is an entry-level seminar on what the home contents policies cover.

The value of researching background information on your client and how to do so.

2024-203 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Business Skills, Disputes, Other

In this session Trevor will cover the importance of researching your client’s background, guidance on how to do so and other tips on meeting preparations.

Business Interruption – Importance of cover for Additional Increase in Cost of Working

2024-018 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Business Interruption

BI is more than just the insurance of Gross Profit. Cover is automatically provided for Increased Costs as part of the Gross Profit item. But there are limitations to what can be claimed under this item – often referred to as Item 1(b).

Construction Liability – Claims trends and resolutions

2024-040 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Other, Other

In this session Kristal Rowe of Wynn Williams will discuss claim trends and risk mitigation.

Climate Related Disclosures – client impacts

2024-119 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Insurance Legislation & Codes, Other, Other

Many insurers must now provide annual statements that disclose information about the effects of climate change on their business. These new requirements will have flow on effects for some of your customers.

F & G Focus - FAP Monitoring Insights

2024-248 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s):

Join us to discuss key insights from the FMA’s monitoring report on Class 1 & 2 Financial Advice Providers. For IBANZ members, there will be a focus on findings and examples from the Fire and General insurance sector. This session is an opportunity to connect with the regulator, discuss their monitoring insights, and ask questions.
Conduct & Ethics rated


2024-085 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Business Skills, Other, Other

Session by Duncan Cotterill. More details to come.

General Liability - Back to Basics

2024-037 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Other, Public and Products Liability

Following on from the Duty of Disclosure seminar, focusing on Public Liability we expand upon the basic information that should be provided to Insurers to ensure that the liability policies reflect the correct Insured name, Business Description, Limit of indemnity and Territory and Jurisdiction.

Agricultural Professional Negligence

2024-204 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Professional Indemnity, Rural

Peter will explore the areas of investigation and quantification of a loss associated with the alleged professional negligence of an independent agricultural testing laboratory, which resulted in Third Party financial losses.

Business Interruption – Common problems, pre-loss & post loss – & how to minimise or eliminate these

2024-133 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Business Interruption

It is often only when a loss occurs that a broker finds out how good their clients BI policy is. It is too late after a loss to retrospectively change the cover. You may not have seen your client’s financial accounts.

Marine Cargo

2024-044 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Marine

This will cover the Institute Cargo Clauses A, B and C (these form the basis of all Cargo covers).

Interpreting a policy

2024-089 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Insurance Fundamentals, Other, Policy Structure

While every insurance policy is different, and tailored to the insured’s circumstances, this session will provide a general and practical framework as to how to interpret and make sense of insurance policies. This will include an overview of the general principles of contractual interpretation with a focus on insurance (and policy-type) specific principles and issues.

Treaty Reinsurance

2024-092 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Reinsurance

Understand what is reinsurance and why do insurers buy it and then discuss why brokers should be aware of what treaties are.

Trustees and exposure of professional offending  

2024-086 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Directors & Officers/Trustees/Associations

Session by Duncan Cotterill. More details to come.


2024-010 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Business Skills, Claims, Disputes, Insurance Fundamentals, Other, Other

Insurance fraud is real and insurers are vigilant when it comes to suspicious claims. But the insurers are not always right in their assessments

10 email shortcuts you should be using every day.

2024-043 0.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Business Skills

If you’d like to be more efficient and effective – you can’t miss this webinar. You’ll learn how to save time and enhance client communication. We’ll cover all software bases: Outlook, Gmail (desktop and phone) and (iPhone) Mail.

GL Claims Case Studies

2024-090 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Public and Products Liability

Michael will be giving an update on General Liability claims including a discussion on the policy triggers and in particular the meaning of Property Damage.  Michael will cover the most commonly applied exclusions and extensions in general liability policies illustrated by claims examples. 

Insurance Policy Structure

2024-029 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Policy Structure

Session by Mel Gorham. More details to come.

Business Interruption – Claim example – and how well would your client’s cover have performed?

2024-134 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Business Interruption, Claims

We will discuss a Business Interruption calculation of loss as a worked example.

Don't Get Hacked

2024-041 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Business Skills, Cyber, IT, Other

Just how secure are you and ready to defend yourself and the business you work for against the increasing rate and sophistication of cyber-attacks? Understanding what to look for and what not to click on or trust is vital. This session will provide you with an understanding of the types of threats and intrusion techniques and the do’s and don’ts of protection.

Privacy and your obligations as a financial adviser

2024-120 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Business Skills, Insurance Legislation & Codes, Other, Other


Business Interruption – Insurance of Wages

2024-135 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Business Interruption

Different ways to insure wages (including Dual Wages) – and what is best for your clients?

Microsoft Excel Mastery

2023-042 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Business Skills, Other

A top tip and tricks walk around Excel showing you how to get much more done in less time. You’ll learn marvelous shortcuts working with your premium calculations, as well as quick tips for summarising, graphing, tabulating, merging

Emerging claims

2024-091 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Claims

Sophie’s seminar will reflect on the liability claims trends seen in 2024, and highlight any valuable insights from this year. It will also discuss the emerging types of insurance claims that brokers should anticipate in 2025, providing them with crucial information when discussing potential claims with insureds. Attendees can expect to gain an insight into the evolving landscape of liability insurance claims.

Regulatory offending – WorkSafe and RMA-based offending and investigations

2024-087 1.00 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Employers Liability/Statutory Liability, Insurance Legislation & Codes, Other

Session by Duncan Cotterill. More details to come.

Insurance Industry Legislation Overview

2024-030 1.50 CPD Hours

PDP Topic(s): Insurance Legislation & Codes

Session by Mel Gorham. More details to come.
Conduct & Ethics rated





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  • The search returns results for all upcoming Events and Webinars and all recorded Events/Webinars.
  • You can search CPD using key words, presenter names, years, etc and provided what you are searching appears in the summary, matches will be returned for you to select from.
  • If you wish to narrow your search by looking only for specifically sequenced words, numbers or characters please put “” around the word eg “business interruption”


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